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Monday, October 06, 2008 

more news

I was built a compost bin Saturday. I built it out of wooden pallets. 4 tied together.
Then one layer of rotten hay followed by one layer of green plant material followed by another layer of rotten hay then followed by a layer of chicken poop (provided by resident chickens) followed by another layer of hay followed by a good soaking by the Snagley well pump.

The chicken coop fell in Friday. So I moved them all to the annex while I repair the coop. Saturday the boys and I disassembled the main coop and dug up some treated 4x4s that I was using for a rose trellises. I did not use treated timbers the first time around, as I did not have any treated timbers. And wood true to its nature rots in dirt water and chicken poop.

In other news,

The CPAP seems to be working.

I have some pepper sauce made out of some chili peppers from the garden. It is slightly hotter than the surface of the sun, very good on turnip greens. Which I might add are coming in quite well.

I am taking a class on reformed theology, quite interesting stuff, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Westminster Confession of Faith etc. These guys had a lot to say. Unfortunately they did not write it in, what I would term, the most captivating prose. Nonetheless, I am reading it and trying to absorb what I am reading.

I have a question I would like to ask you.
How much time did you spend as a child out side playing, and if you have kids how much time do they spend outside playing.
And do you discourage your kids from getting dirty

I spent almost all of my time outside summer and winter.
My kids do not spend as much time outside as I do but I would estimate on weekdays 4 to 5 yours and 5 to 7 on weekends.
I don’t care if they are dirty or not as long as they take an occasional shower

Snagely out

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