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Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

A lame post

Son #1 had his pinewood derby with the cub scouts last weekend. It was a hoot. He had a fast car this year and almost won the thing. As a joke I took a 5-pound ingot of lead and nailed it to a car for the adult open division, the cars are supposed to weigh 5 ounces. I did not win. It ticked off some of the parents, I believe it is good for them to get angry about 5 pound derby cars once and a while. I told them if they would volunteer for something once and a while they could disqualify me. I have three jobs in the cub scout pack, so parents who do not help out are low on my list of concerns.

In other news
I am selling out of eggs faster than the hens can lay them. I am going to have to enlarge my operation and at least double the number of hens. It is not possible to get rich raising chickens for eggs on a small scale but it is possible to have a good time doing it.

In yet other news
I am working on a story about my friend Sven of Sven’s Creek fame. It seems he went on an Alaskan vacation and dodged a moose and ended up upside down in a snowdrift. If you new Sven as I know Sven it would be funny. But the best part is that his wife took his picture in the truck. I am trying to get the pic to post. (Don’t hold your breath).

In still yet other news
I need a target bow for one of my boys something in the 15# draw weight. I am trying to get him into an archery club.
Snagley Out
