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Monday, January 16, 2006 

I beleive

Other than my religious convictions

Please excuse the lack of proper syntax,

I believe in fishing with kids, I believe in manual labor, I believe that people who drive slow in the fast lane should be fed a strong laxative and put in the slow lane 100 miles from home, I believe in blackberry cobbler, I believe that the berries should be picked by hand, I believe that there should be a amendment outlawing oversized pants that let people see your underwear, I believe in monogamous love, I believe that partisan politicks and the deadlock that comes from it is the only thing saving this country from incompetent politicians, I believe that 99.9275% of politicians are corrupt in some form worldwide, I believe in warm socks, I believe in waterproof leather boots, I believe in T-bone steaks grilled over a hickory fire, I believe in children playing, I believe in a home full of laughter, I believe that Woody Allen movies are prattle, I believe that the greatest contribution that western civilization has made to the world is pecan pie, I believe in slow cooked pot roast on Sunday afternoon, I believe in sharp pocket knives and whittling sticks, I believe in swimming in creeks, I believe in old dogs and puppies, I believe that cow manure makes the best rose fertilizer, I believe that minor league baseball is the real deal, I believe in archery with children, I believe in alternative fuels for automobiles, I believe that professional athletes are overpaid, spoiled and have no grip on reality, I believe that everyone ought to jump down turn around and pick a bale of cotton, I believe in two ply quilted toilet paper, I believe in short stories, I believe in large fish, I believe that any religious figure that does not fish should be regarded with suspicion, I believe that emaciated women are butt ugly, I believe that is enough is enough,.
