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Tuesday, December 27, 2005 


Christmas was fair.
Jo's grand mother had to be hospitalized he meds got all freaked up and she didn't know who she was and was acting crazy. we usually spend the night at her house, as does the rest of the family.
She got out of the hospital today.
the Snagleys all came to my house for Christmas. It was good.

My neice brought her boy friend. He got a little too frindly tickeling my 4 year old daughter.
I pulled him aside and explained how people who mess with my family develop cronic health problems requiring long periods of physical therapy.
He got an odd look on his face and said yes sir.
Dont mess with my daughter!

The kids got the gifts they wanted.
Son #1 got a megatron with a cyber planet key
Son#2 got a Shell Shocker. (pretty cool)
Daughter got a "new two wheeler bike with streamers".
I got some sunflower seeds and some gift cards.
Jo got some sheets and crap like that.

I got a new Robert Service book.
The guy was preoccupied with dying in the snow. I guess if I lived in the Yukon during the gold rush i would be too.

All in all it went well.
Snagley out.
