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Thursday, April 14, 2005 

What I want for my kids

1. To be children as long as possible.
2. To grow up when appropriate
3. To live life with passion.
4. To have to work hard
5. To retain innocence that is only found in child.
6. To understand that there are bad people in the world that will take advantage of them.
7. To not take advantage of others.
8. To love to study
9. To have the opportunity to work toward a career that they can embrace
10. To own a sweet dog who grows up with them, and see that animal through its life cycle.
11. For my boys to become Eagle Scouts.
12. To have their father as Scout Master.
13. For my girl to know that her father thinks she is the smartest, prettiest, sweetest girl that I know, second only to her mother.
14. For my children to know that I put my relationship with my wife first.
15. I want them to know that there are things bigger than them.
16. To give to the needy
17. To only work in a damn office if they want to.
18. To be appalled by evil
19. To know that fishing is not entirely about catching fish.
20. To know that hunting is more than ending the life of an innocent animal.
21. To know that they are loved more completely than they can comprehend.
22. To know the feeling of being forgiven
23. To be able to express love with verve
24. To be able to read the classics and appreciate them.
25. To sweat
26. To be able to repair their own cars
27. To know how to milk a cow
28. To know the joy of seeing their children brought into the world.
29. To fly a kite that they built
30. To swim in a creek that they dammed up themselves
31. To only kiss when they love
32. To know that their father loves them
33. To know that their father loves them
