10 Things most people don’t know about Snagley
1. I don’t usually eat breakfast or lunch
2. I still love to climb trees
3. My father earned 5 bronze stars in WWII
4. I hate wearing business clothes. I prefer blue jeans. If I had my way I would burn all of my dress clothes.
5. I almost did not graduate from high school. If I had not cheated on a typing final I would have had to come back the next year to take one typing class. I have felt guilty about this ever since and have not cheated on anything since then.
6. I was engaged to a girl that I did not marry when I was 19 years old. She was my high school sweetheart and we dated for 5 years. She broke my heart and profoundly influenced my dating life, for the worst, for years.
7. Once in college as a freshman, I made out with the roommate of a girl I was dating, while the girl I was dating studied on the lower bunk, we were in the top bunk. (I know. I was horrible)
8. I like to drink Jack Daniels whisky strait. But I hate getting drunk.
9. I have a collection of photographs of nuclear explosions.
10. I have never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball