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Thursday, May 12, 2005 

So what is everyone doing this weekend.
I am planning on doing as little as possible.
I am going to take my wife to the Superior Grill and eat a steak called a crazy Javier
I also am planning to do some yard work, and clean out the workshop.
fun apleanty at the Snagley house.
My boy got a game boy and is suffering from game boy neck.
He keeps his neck bent over playing the game .
I plan to limit his game boy time so he will continue to be an outside playing boy.
He loves to climb trees.
I bought him a rope to clime this one tree. His hands are callosed from climbing the rope.
The doctor asked if we were working him in the fields or something.
He is freakishly strong because of his tree, and rope climbing.
Well I am at work and need to actually do some work today.
Snagley out.
